Humanities Doctoral Academy Humanitarian Scholarship 2024 Entry

Type of award


Managing department

Faculty of Humanities


  • Tuition fees
  • An annual maintenance stipend (£18,622 per annum for 2023/24)
  • Visa costs to be reimbursed after issue of visa

Specified use

+3.5/+4 - covering a full postgraduate research programme

Please note that existing postgraduate research students cannot be considered for this funding.

Tenable period

To cover a full postgraduate research programme (dependent on length):

  • 3.5 years full-time or 7 years part-time
  • 4 years full-time or 8 years part-time

Continuation of award

Continuation of the award is subject to satisfactory progress.

Number available

1 in the Humanities Doctoral Academy

Funding provider

This award is internal.

Level(s) of study

This funding is available to students undertaking the following types of study:

  • Postgraduate research

Allowed study options

This funding is available to students undertaking the following modes of study:

  • Full-time
  • Part-time

Subject restrictions

This funding is available to students undertaking study in:

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Anthropology, Media and Performance
  • Arab World Studies
  • Archaeology
  • Architecture
  • Art History and Visual Studies
  • Arts Management and Cultural Practices
  • Business and Management
  • Chinese Studies
  • Classics and Ancient History
  • Criminology
  • Drama
  • East Asian Studies
  • Economics
  • Education
  • English Literature, American Studies and Creative Writing
  • French Studies
  • Geography
  • German Studies
  • History
  • Humanitarianism and Conflict Response
  • Institute for Cultural Practices
  • International Development
  • Italian Studies
  • Japanese Studies
  • Law
  • Linguistics and English Language
  • Middle Eastern Studies
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Planning, Property and Environmental Management
  • Politics
  • Religions and Theology
  • Russian and East European Studies
  • Science, Technology and Innovation Policy
  • Social Anthropology
  • Social Statistics
  • Sociology
  • Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
  • Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies

Academic requirements

You must meet the minimum academic requirements for your preferred

Nationality restrictions

This funding is available to international students.

Other eligibility criteria

Applicants must hold an offer of study at 69´«Ã½ before applying for this funding.

This scholarship is available to those who are:

  • Displaced inside their own country or have had to leave their home country because of armed conflict  
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  • At serious risk of, or the victim of discrimination, persecution, suffering or violence on account of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.  

Application procedure

Stage 1:

You must submit a completed application for your chosen PhD programme by the deadline for your school (below).

Section 9 of the application asks for your funding intentions. Please add a funding source, and populate the fields as below:

  • Type of Funding: Uni of 69´«Ã½Scheme
  • Awarding Body (free text): Humanitarian Scholarship
  • Status of Funding: Intend to Apply

You must hold an offer by 30 April 2024. Otherwise, you will not be included in the competition.

Stage 2:

The completed must be submitted to no later than 15 May 2024.

Your main supervisor is required to complete a section of the form. You should reach out to your supervisor to discuss and support your nomination. Late Nomination Forms will not be accepted. 

Application form

Selection criteria

When reviewing studentship applications, the University selection panel will consider: 

  • The level of risk and the specific threat you are experiencing and how this is impacting your ability to pursue higher education  
  • Academic merit and potential 
  • Demonstrated knowledge of, commitment to, and interest/experience in the field of research 
  • Your financial circumstances and if you have received funding from any other source to support your studies.  

Selection body

Humanities Doctoral Academy Postgraduate Research Committee (PGRC)

Closing date

14 May 2024

All Humanitarian Scholarship Nomination Forms must be received by the Humanities Doctoral Academy before  15 May 2024, 5pm BST.

In advance of this, you must submit your completed programme application by the dates specified below to ensure you hold an offer at the time of funding selection:

  • Alliance 69´«Ã½Business School: 1 December 2023
  • School of Arts, Languages and Cultures: 12 January 2024
  • School of Education, Environment and Development: 19 January 2024
  • School of Social Sciences: 1 December 2023
  • School of Social Sciences, Department of Philosophy: 12 January 2024

Please note that this is a strict deadline and nomination forms received after 5pm or incomplete applications will not be included in the competition.

Decision date

Mid June 2024

Deferral information

Offers of funding are not deferrable. If you cannot start your programme by the date mentioned in your studentship offer letter, the award will be withdrawn. You are permitted to re-apply in future.

Contact details for enquiries

Useful links